It is Time to Change

     As New Year’s Day approaches many people spend time reflecting and deciding to make some changes in their lives.  Some write out new year’s resolutions.  And yet it seems that most people do not actually succeed with those resolutions over the long term.  So how do we change?  How do we grow? I believe God is always working in our lives to help us grow and change but we have a part to play.  I will use the word P.A.R.T. as an acrostic to help us move forward in our lives. 
      P. IS FOR PARNTER WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT.   To use an image, Christians are to be light.  When you look at a flashlight there is a battery that serves as the power source.  The Holy Spirit that comes to dwell within us at conversion to Christ is that ultimate power source.  In John 15 Jesus shares an image of Himself as the vine and we are the branches.  It is through partnership with Him that we are able to bear much fruit, meaning fruit of the Holy Spirit—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.  This partnership is primarily through prayer.  As we pray humbly, faithfully and boldly God gives us strength to change and grow.     
     A. IS FOR ACCOUNTABILITY.  Both the recovery movement and churches walk out this need for others.  Rarely do people change alone.  If you are going toe to toe with an addiction it is vital to have a sponsor or mentor in your corner.  Life change happens in circles of vulnerability and accountability.  It happens where people commit to living life together.  They come humbly and find individuals who will ask hard questions and challenge them when they are playing with fire.  This is an uncomfortable yet necessary part of the change process for most people. Solomon writes, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another” (Proverbs 17:17).  
     R. IS FOR REPENT.  I realize this is an old Bible word that most do not use but it should not be abandoned.  Repentance is about changing our thinking which leads to a change in action.  It is coming to a fork in the road and committing to going the narrow way of holiness.  You cannot repent for me and I cannot repent for you, parents cannot make the important choices for their adult children.  We each have a free will that must be fully engaged and committed in order to create lasting change in our lives.  The prophet Ezekiel says it best, “repent and live” (Ezekiel 18:32).  
     T. IS FOR TRUTH.  We need to be challenged by the truth.  God’s word shows us the right way to live.  It serves as a “light unto our path” (Psalm 119:105).  Just one example, in our culture which is saturated in pornography, many men are taught to view women primarily as sexual objects.  In contrast, the Scripture challenges men to view women as “made in the image of God” and “co-heirs with Christ.”   While men do not always live out these concepts perfectly it is the Scriptures that challenge them to live holy thought lives; to view women with respect rather than lust.  The truth of Scripture gives us a vision of how to flourish and thrive as God intended. 
     This New Years, as you take up the challenge to change, do your P.A.R.T. and watch on tip toes with expectation as the new improved you begins to emerge.  Change is hard, but there is help from God and your community to reach your full potential.  It’s time to grow! 
Pastor Derek Dickinson
Journey Christian Church




