Recent Articles 

Overcoming Anger
October 10th, 2024
      What has your anger cost you?  An important relationship, a job, your reputation?  In some extreme circumstances someone’s anger could even cost them their freedom because they physically hurt someone.  Even the great leader Moses lost the opportunity to enter the promised land because he acted out of anger.  I do want to acknowledge that some anger is good. We should be angry about racism, ...
The Faithfulness of God
October 4th, 2024
       Have you ever had someone let you down?   A good friend gossip about you?  A business partner steal from you?   Faithfulness matters. Imagine sitting on the death bed of your beloved spouse of fifty years and he tells you that he has been 95% sexually faithful to you!  According to our school district that would be an A.  But somehow that does not feel like an A, does it?  Human relationshi...
Dealing with Difficult People
September 20th, 2024
      Everyone has someone they consider difficult in their life. It could be a demanding boss, overbearing parent, selfish spouse or rebellious teen.  How do we deal with these individuals?      First, embrace humility. I am embarrassed to admit that it was not until I was an adult and married with children that it even occurred to me that for some people I was that difficult person. I have a vis...
Love Your Neighbor
September 5th, 2024
      In the Hebrew Scriptures there are hundreds of commands. Jesus was once asked what the greatest command was.  He said in essence, love God and love your neighbor.  I want to focus on the second command in the cliff note version of ethics from Jesus—loving our neighbors.  In the New Testament, we are told repeatedly to love one another.  Honestly, Christians struggle with this; I know I do.  ...
Aging Well
August 9th, 2024
      I’m 54 years old.  I do not consider myself a senior citizen but have three grandchildren and three more on the way!  I read recently that the average life span for American men is 73 and for women is 79 (Not Too Old, David Faust, 13).  Therefore, if I am average, I have 19 years left; the sand is rapidly flowing to the bottom of my proverbial hourglass.  I appreciate the challenge of author...